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Graduation Parade Rehersal

Graduation Parade Rehersal

92nd Entry Graduation Parade 18 April 1962
92nd Entry Graduation Parade 18 April 1962

Final Entry March After Graduation Parade  

Entering Burnett Gym for Graduation Prizegiving

92nd Entry 2 Squadron 1 Wing 1959
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92nd Entry 2 Wing June 1959
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92nd Entry Airframes B Flight 2 Squadron 3 Wing 1960-61
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92nd Entry Outside Block 9 1961-1962

92nd Entry Trumpeters

92nd Entry Footballers

Engine Guys

Airframe Guys

92nd Entry 3(A) Wing June 1959
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1(A) Wing WaterPolo Team 1960

Armourers Bulling Boots

Airframe Guys Block 14 1959

Summer Camp 1961

Summer Camp 1961

Joe Toland working on the Comet

Ranjit Singh working on the Comet

92nd Entry working on the Comet

Armourers on Jankers

Monument near Halton

Air Commodore Coslett presenting Silver Trumpet
to AA Barnsley 27/3/1961

50th Anniversary of Graduation Reunion

50th Anniversary of Graduation Reunion

50th Anniversary of Graduation Reunion

50th Anniversary of Graduation Reunion
Electrical and Instruments

50th Anniversary of Graduation Reunion
at The Tribute

50th Anniversary of Graduation Reunion Trenchard Museum

50th Anniversary of Graduation Reunion Trenchard Museum

50th Anniversary of Graduation Reunion Trenchard Museum

50th Anniversary of Graduation Reunion Trenchard Museum

50th Anniversary of Graduation Reunion Trenchard Museum

50th Anniversary of Graduation Reunion Trenchard Museum

50th Anniversary of Graduation Reunion Trenchard Museum

50th Anniversary of Graduation Reunion Trenchard Museum

50th Anniversary of Graduation Reunion Trenchard Museum

50th Anniversary of Graduation Reunion Trenchard Museum

50th Anniversary of Graduation Reunion Trenchard Museum

50th Anniversary of Graduation Reunion Trenchard Museum

50th Anniversary of Graduation Reunion Trenchard Museum

50th Anniversary of Graduation Reunion Trenchard Museum

Window Dedecation 5 May 2005

Window Dedecation 5 May 2005

50th Anniversary of Graduation Reunion Church Service

92nd Entry 1998 Triennial Reunion

Bed Tipping by the Senior Entry

Colin Munslow's Bashed Hat

A New Recruit for the Pipe Band

A Young Pat Tuffin

Unidentified and Colin Munslow on Train to Summer Camp

Colin Munslow and Geordie Forster

Unidentified in front of Colin Munslow Summer Camp

Last RAF Leuchars Airshow Sep 7 2013

Meet and Greet at 11th Triennial Reunion 2013

RAFHAAA Museum 11th Triennial 2013

Paul Amos with the 92nd Entry Banner

92nd Entry on Parade 11th Triennial Sep 2013

Airframes Finals

Airframes Finals

Class 6 Advanced Airframes November 1961

"Fagging" 92nd Entry Style

Band Practice in the Block

John Parsons on Centre Deck Duty

92nd Entry (Engines + 2 Riggers) Outing to Southend

92nd Entry (Engines) Outing to Southend

Rook Block 2(A) Wing 1959

Rook Block 2(A) Wing 1959

Gloom Jankers Again!!

First Posting RAF Colerne
 on Clifton Suspension Bridge

Peter (Piff) Flint British Guyana 1963

Severe Winter 1962/63 on Hangar RAF Colerne

Scottish Reunion Edinburgh Sept 2014

Christmas 1960 Block 10 Room 4

Armourers 1st Christmas 3(A) Wing 1959

Booze Carefully Hidden in the Castle 1960

Booze Carefully Liberated 1960

Back of Block 10 1(A) Wing Circa 1960

Final Year 1(A) Wing 1962

Plumbers on the Range

Instuments and Armourers Entry Outing Southend

Farnborough Day Out 1960

Engine Guys Fooling Around

Engine Guys (Possible Summer Camp)

Engine Guys (Possibly Entry Outing Southend)

Engine and Armourers 3(A) Wing

Colin Munslow in an encounter of another kind

Engines Entry Outing Southend 1961

Airframes Entry Outing Southend 1961

Airframes Entry Outing Southend 1961

Engine Guys (Dansette connected to light H&S Regs!!)

Engines Block 10 Christmas 1961

Barry Tate 3(A) Wing 1960

Brian McKerron Airframes

Brian McKerron

Aircraft Apprentice John Templeton Smith

John Templeton Smith Former Civil Airline Pilot, Lecturer and Bestselling Thriller Writer

Summer Camp Penhale 1961

Summer Camp Bivouac 1961

Summer Camp Bivouac 1961

Airframe Block Bull Night

Bull Night (Unknown)

"The Strangers" 92nd Entry's Own Boy Band

The Strangers 1961-62

The Strangers Performing in 1(A) Wing Tank

Panoramic view of  Halton

Rook Block 1959

Scottish Reunion Edinburgh July 2015

Schools 1990's style- Finals would have been a breeze if this had been allowed.

Schools 1990's style Armourers belated celebration in finishing schools.

Barry Tate and Mike Arnold model aircraft enthusiasts.

92nd Entry model aircraft enthusiasts.

Waiting for transport to move the entry to 3(A) Wing.

No trade description act in those days

92nd Entry 1992 Triennial Reunion Halton

92nd Armourers 1992 Triennial Reunion Halton

1992 Triennial Reunion Halton

George Lawler Finds His Old Desk 1992 Triennial

Golden Oldies Pipe Band 1992 Triennial Reunion

92nd Armourers 1995 Triennial Reunion Halton

92nd Entry 1995 Triennial Reunion Halton

1995 Triennial Reunion Halton

92nd Entry 1998 Triennial Reunion Halton

92nd Entry Armourers Reunion York 1999

92nd Entry Armourers Reunion Blackpool 2003

92nd Entry Armourers Reunion Blackpool 2003

92nd Entry Armourers Reunion Blackpool 2003

92nd Entry Armourers Reunion Blackpool 2003

92nd Entry Armourers Reunion Blackpool 2003

92nd Entry Armourers and Riggers Reunion Birmingham 2007

92 Entry Airframes Christmas 1959 3(A) Wing

92nd Entry Scottish Branch Reunion Edinburgh 2005

92nd Entry Scottish Branch Reunion Perth 2010

92nd Entry Armourers Rudesheim Germany 2009

Bill Cunningham

Farnborough Air Show 1960

Playing Fields of Halton

92nd Riggers Entry Outing to Sothend

92nd Entry Class 6 Advanced Airframes November 1961

Nice Kit Layout Bed Pack Requires Attention

Rehersal for Lord Mayors Float November 1961

Rehersal for Lord Mayors Float November 1961

92nd Entry Outing to Southend 1961

RAF Khormaksar  - Aden 1965

RAF Tengah 1970 74 Sqn  Don Pilbeam looking in cockpit, Rog Marjoram sitting on wing

Last Lightning in The Far East.  Rog Marjoram Gan September 1971

 RAF Tengah with Lightning Python

RAFHAA Triennial 2016

Engine Guys Bill Stone Vic Rice Jim Whyborn
First  Overseas Posting Eastleigh Kenya

Winter 1962-63 RAF Colerne

Summer Camp See Member's Stories The Salmon

Joe Toland Airframes

Holywood star Gerard Butler tells how visits to his homeland in Scotland helps keep him grounded

Gerard Butler on St Andrews Links

  Jankers. Dai Jones, Rainer Forster and Noddy Home who was only in the Entry for a short while

Ejection Seat Training
Armourers Block 10 Room 4 Talc Fight

Armourers Block 10 Room 4 Talc Fight

92nd Entry Rigger Rockers

92nd Entry Riggers 60th Reunion

92nd Entry Riggers 60th Reunion

92nd Entry Members at RAFHAA Centenary Reunion

92nd Entry Members at RAFHAA Centenary Reunion

92nd Entry Members at RAFHAA Centenary Reunion

92nd Entry Members at RAFHAA Centenary Reunion

92nd Entry Members at RAFHAA Centenary Reunion

92nd Entry Members at RAFHAA Centenary Reunion

92nd Entry Members at RAFHAA Centenary Reunion

92nd Entry Members at RAFHAA Centenary Reunion

92nd Entry Members at RAFHAA Centenary Reunion

92nd Entry Members at RAFHAA Centenary Reunion

92nd Entry Members at RAFHAA Centenary Reunion

RAFHAA Centenary Reunion Lancaster

RAFHAA Centenary Reunion Lancaster

Preparing for Block Inspection

LAA Precce (94th) AA Barnsley (92nd)
AA Wills (92nd) Played Last Post and Reveille
at funeral of Air Marshall Sir Leonard Slatter
Halton Village Church 20 April 1961